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[Invitation Only] Ensuring Innovation in Insurance

The Insurance sector has long been regarded as a safe pair of hands underpinning the financial system with their infrastructure that generally remains independent of interbank markets and payments systems, and robust risk mitigation practices. These strengths can also manifest as barriers to innovation and transformation, as many insurance companies struggle to integrate new technologies into their legacy stacks, and focus more on low-risk enhancements over true innovation and experimentation. This risks limiting the accessibility and scalability of insurance solutions, just as consumers and the financial system stand to benefit from the Insurance sector's expertise on broad and emerging risk categories of recent years coming to roost - cyber, climate change and geopolitical tensions.

How might the Insurance sector preserve its strengths while supporting businesses and consumers in managing these risks? How might broad cyber and parametric solutions be made accessible at scale?

This roundtable considers different approaches to Insurance and InsurTech innovation - digitisation of insurers themselves, connection between insurers and technologies via InsurTech, and an extension of insurance into new areas through embedded insurance and fractionalisation. It considers the state of play today and seeks to identify the impediments to a thriving innovation ecosystem in insurance, and how these may be overcome.


Giorgi Gurgenidze

Giorgi Gurgenidze

Head of Capital Market Development, Insurance Policy and Pension Reform Department, Ex-officio Member of the Governing Board of Pension Fund of Georgia, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia

Kiran Mistry

Kiran Mistry

RVP, Head of Financial Services, APAC, SAP

Shwetank Verma

Shwetank Verma

Co-founder & General Partner, Leo Capital

Stephen Barnham

Stephen Barnham

Group Chief Digital Officer and Chief Information Officer, Dai-ichi Life Group

Miyuki Ebata

Miyuki Ebata

Country Manager, Guidewire Software Japan

Makoto Okubo

Makoto Okubo

General Manager, International Affairs, Nippon Life Insurance Company

Dipen Mehta

Dipen Mehta

Executive Vice President & General Manager, SoftServe APAC


Sopnendu Mohanty

Sopnendu Mohanty

Group Chief Executive Officer, Global Finance & Technology Network (GFTN)

Prof. Chia Tek Yew

Prof. Chia Tek Yew

Advisor, NUS - Asian Institute of Digital Finance