Hikari Tamaki is a shinobue and nohkan (Japanese bamboo flutes) performer known for her warm and deeply moving sound. She studied classical Kabuki music and actively brings the beautiful sound of shinobue into everyday life.
She was honored to perform at the Imperial Palace’s Tokagakudo Music Hall. She graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, Faculty of Music, with awards including the Jokansho Prize, Ataka Prize, and Acanthus Music Prize.
皇居内桃華楽堂に於いて、御前演奏の栄誉を賜る。東京藝術大学音楽学部邦楽科 卒業。
出演に松尾スズキ作舞台、武道館、国立劇場、豪華客船飛鳥II、ビルボード東京、JAPAN EXPO海外公演、 オーケストラコラボレーション、尾上菊之助主演新作歌舞伎『風の谷のナウシカ』演奏、LOUDNESS高崎晃・大原櫻子・藤井風など。
Festival Stage, 2F, EDOCCO, Kanda Myojin