Division Chief of Financial Supervision and Regulation Division, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Jay Surti heads the IMF’s Financial Supervision & Regulation division, holding responsibility for management and execution of the IMF’s policy, surveillance, and capacity development work program in these areas. His previous responsibilities at the IMF include management of the work program on supervision and regulation of nonbank financial intermediation, insurance, and capital markets; leading the thematic work and chapters of the Global Financial Stability Report; and as advisor to the IMF’s Financial Counsellor, the coordination of his work program and outreach. He has participated in several IMF and IMF-World Bank Financial Sector Assessment Programs, including as the IMF mission chief for the 2024 Spain FSAP and the 2018 Tanzania FSAP. He represents the IMF at the Financial Stability Board’s Standing Committee on Standards Implementation and IOSCO’s Committee on Emerging Risks. During 2018-20, on leave from the IMF, Jay served as special advisor to the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, advising top management of the central bank on macro-financial stability and financial supervision issues. Jay holds a Ph.D. in economics from Boston University.
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